What is Spina Bifida?
Spina Bifida is the number-one permanently disabling birth defect in the United States. Spina Bifida is a neural tube defect and occurs when the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) does not properly form during the early stages of pregnancy (within the first 28 days) – often before most women even know they are pregnant.
There are approximately
people with Spina Bifida currently living in the U.S.

FireFly Camps
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Family School
BluePrints Family
Networking Group
12th Annual Afternoon JamFest
Highmark Walk
Heinz Field
37th Annual John L. Moroney III Memorial Golf Classic
Hickory Heights Golf Club
10th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble
Beaver Valley Golf Club
12th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash
St. Ferdinand's Oldenski Hall